Thursday, June 2, 2011

What does cartoon censorship say about what is important today?

Today when one looks at cartoons some people see mindless dribble that causes kids to be quiet for a few hours. Others see childhood memories that bring back a simpler time. I see the shift between a group working world to an individual world.

When looking at cartoons in the 90's when I was growing up I always remembered Hey Arnold and Rug Rats. These cartoons among the majority of others were about a group working together to complete a goal that is better for the entire group. Now we see in the 00's this shift to a more independent goal system for satisfaction. I think this is not showing us how important team work and cooperation is and make the world seem like a place that you can do everything on your own and there is no need for human interaction of any kind. I think this is not the way people should be making shows. The applies to censorship because censorship is a group decision to not show something and when the entire network is not going to show a group environment, they are therefore censoring the children of the day from this type of work. Shows like Total Drama Island do not show a group working atmosphere, it shows a cut throat everyman for himself way of winning.

Thinking about other problems with cartoons now would be what they are trying to portray. When watching cartoons now all we see are these utopias and "perfect lives" such as shows like Sixteen and Total Drama Island. These shows are depicting "children" as these rich kids that don't really have any rules and are just able to do what they want and not pay for it. This is now showing what the main theme of Hey Arnold was. This basic theme was, take what you have, and as a group work together and make the best out of it. I think this style of show teaches so much. This censorship is only showing the good parts of life and are not showing how to deal with difficult situations. I think these shows were taken off the air because it shows a hard type of life that people found offensive to show "poor" people. This however is just censoring children from the real world. I think it would be better to show children these things and talk about it rather than delete it from existence.

My following posts will be of show clips that show both older and newer cartoons that will give examples of what we are not showing anymore because people don't want to see the setting in this area or like how the characters are represented in a real life manner.

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