Monday, June 6, 2011

Race "Place Holders"

It has recently come to my attention that there are no real uses for race in cartoons anymore. In older cartoons such as 90's cartoons, you see there are many different races that are represented with social problems. In older generation cartoons there were times when the races were represented as a bit of a stereotype but still very important to the story. These characters in the older cartoons were being shown what the other races were going through so there would be sympathy shown toward them so they were a lesson to be learned from.
Now the use of raises seems to be to not get sued. If a show was to contain only white people it would be considered racist and therefore taken off the air. Now we have these shows that contain either all "gray" characters that cannot be taken seriously, or you have these shows that are holding racial "place holders". These shows are able to just have the same person do whatever the other people are doing but not really become an individual. There are almost no reasons to have different races of people. This irritated me because I learned so much about class and race from watching what I watched when I was a kid.

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